Let's pray our way forward

Let's pray our way forward
Let the children come to me. Jesus

Thursday, March 4, 2010

WS District Plans Power of Three Plug In Event for May

Here are the notes from the Evangelism Task Force to promote leading people to Christ in 2010:

I. We see our primary task as that of offering training opportunities to support churches and individuals in their evangelistic outreach. Our immediate sense is to provide help to churches in meeting their Power of Three goals for professions of faith and membership increase. To do that we are planning a training event on Sunday, May 16, from 3:00-4:30 p.m., location TBA, called “Power of Three-Plug In.” With help from Amy at the District Office, I will receive and plow through the documents presented by churches at their 2009 Charge Conference in reference to the following questions that we were asked to respond to.

- What are your plans for helping the WNC Conference reach 300,000 members by the end of 2012?

- What are examples of things you do to welcome visitors?

- How are you making a difference in someone else's life?

- What are you doing in order to reach people with the love of Jesus Christ?

- Do you have a "plan" for evangelism? What is it?

- What steps are you taking to implement the plan?

The May 16, “Power of Three-Plug In” will seek to present a summary of what other churches are doing to reach their goals. This should be a valuable resource of creative ideas. Discussion would follow a presentation.

Thank you to Rev. Keith Bingham, the new Chair for the Task Force on Evangelism for the Winston Salem District for submitting this great news for us today!
Rev. Evelyn Lemons

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