Let's pray our way forward

Let's pray our way forward
Let the children come to me. Jesus

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hey, we are back in the parsonage!

It is with great delight that I share the news that we moved back into the parsonage last Saturday. It has been about 3 months since the fire in the parsonage and what a time of rebuilding this has been. One of the benefits since the fire is that the fire detection system has now been extended into the parsonage. For lunch today, I made some biscuits, yes from scratch. When I got done eating lunch, I made some biscuits with strawberry jam and took them over to the church. When I went out the front door there were three fire alarm security trucks and a truck from the fire department out in front of the church. I walked into the fellowship hall where they were working and said, "I did not burn the biscuits." That had been the joke while they were putting in the sensors that when I cooked, the fire department would come. It was a good laugh for all concerned. 
   The best thing that has happened to our church after the fire, is that the whole process of rebuilding has helped bring out the best in people. The companies that have helped us have been so kind, and helpful. From our insurance adjuster to the contractor, to all the volunteers from here at Deerfield UMC, the measure of grace has filled our cup to overflowing. It has been a spiritual journey for me in not being in charge, when I really like to have things in order around me. The last few days of putting things in order have been days filled with healing, as I have waited for the day to come when a regular day would come again. I think we are really close to a regular day, just around the corner, and for that, I sure do give the Lord praise. On an earlier post, I published a picture of the shadow of a cross that was left on the wall of the parsonage after the fire. Today, that same cross went back on the wall in the same place as it was before the fire. In all things, we remember, Christ is with us. I invite you to observe a Holy Lent.

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