Let's pray our way forward

Let's pray our way forward
Let the children come to me. Jesus

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Fire at Deerfield UMC Parsonage and Church Dec 29

We have had a fire in the parsonage at Deerfield UMC. I have known the comfort of many of your prayers already. The parsonage and fellowship hall took smoke damage, and we are in the process of beginning the clean up. No one was in the buildings when the fire started around 8:30am on Dec. 29. So we give the Lord praise that no one was hurt. This took a special place of strength in my heart to find the expression for the emotion behind finding the covers pulled back on the bed where my husband and I had just slept over Christmas, and when the covers were moved there was a gray line of smoke over the covers on the bed. It brought me to tears to know that a fireman had come to pull the covers back to see if there was anyone in the bed. Thank the Lord that the house was spared a great deal of structural damage. The biggest blessing of all is that the sanctuary is unharmed. We had our regular service of worship there yesterday.
I have been displaced for the work in the parsonage, this makes twice since the first of July when the parsonage was being newly renovated. I am living in the house where I lived this summer while the parsonage was being done. It will be two months at the best to have the parsonage ready to be able to live in it again. It may be more like 3 months.
    As we have ended the year of 2010 with it going out in flames, we pray for a better new year. It is overwhelming, but we know that God is with us, and we will take this one day at a time. I also wanted to share that last year our finances were not so good, and this year the finances have been stronger. We have met the $37,780 pledge to meet our current needs so we would be able to pay our apportionments in full. We are only $100 short of the goal as of today.  We mailed the apportionment check today to pay out in full this year, and for this we know that God has provided, and now in the fire, God will provide and prove to us that when we seek first his kingdom, He will provide for all that we need. Much love to you. Thanks for your support and your prayers for us. We will continue to hold on to God's eternal purpose for the church to make known the saving work of Jesus Christ. We will press on, and God will be our supply. Rev. Evelyn Lemons

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