Let's pray our way forward

Let's pray our way forward
Let the children come to me. Jesus

Monday, November 22, 2010

Possum in the tree?

    When was the last time something really funny happened to you in worship? Well yesterday in worship we all got a really good laugh. The choir was singing their anthem, and the tune was not familiar, but it was really nice. I listened and enjoyed the tune. As I heard the choir sing about the beauty of the possum in the tree, I couldn't believe my ears. So, I thought, I have never heard this song before, I need to see if they are going to come back to that line again. They didn't repeat the same line, but they had me hanging on every word. So when the anthem was done, and it was time to step into the pulpit to preach, I turned and asked the choir if they said anything about a possum in the tree, and they shouted back, "Blossom! Blossom in the tree!" You can just imagine the congregation. Laughter rocked the house! You can take the girl out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the girl.
    The soft tone was helpful to lead into a tough message. The message yesterday was from Haggai Chapter One. Haggai challenged the people to put their priority on the work of rebuilding the temple first in their lives. He challenged them to give sacrificially to make the work happen, and to get on with it. He delivered a word from the Lord to remind the people to take courage because God was with them. In the life of our church, these words are also right on time for us. We have huge challenges before us. But we have to remember, God will give us courage and God himself will be with us. God stirred the hearts of the people in Haggai and they got to work on the temple and finished it in 4 years. It is my prayer that God will stir the hearts of his people, and the work will be done that is set before us. Deerfield UMC, God is with us and will make the way. Remember, God is with us. Happy Thanksgiving!

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