Lift Up Your Heart to the Lord, for it is right to give our thanks and praise!
Let's pray our way forward

Let the children come to me. Jesus
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Wrapping up 2012
I just looked on my blog to see when I posted last. When I got back from my first class in MN! Life has been pretty busy since then. Two more classes done online, serving the church full time, charge conference done, Christmas done, and the start up of a new ministry. About 5 weeks ago, we started a 12 step recovery program at the Hospitality House in Boone for people who are working an addiction recovery program. I am leading this new ministry with the help of two other women. It has been great ministry. Looking forward to meeting with our area pastors to get started with our new Missional Network here in Watauga County early in January. We welcome Rev. Lory Beth Huffman as the new DS to the new Appalachian District. Our church has continued to work closely with the Wesley Foundation at ASU and Rev. Brad Ferrington continues to do awesome ministry with young people there. Our UM Men had their annual Christmas tree sale and it was a success. Lot's of work has been done to raise money for our missions in our community through the bazaar and Christmas tree sale. One sad note for Boone NC this year has been marked with the loss of life of several young people who are already greatly missed. One tragedy after another has left our town hurting. Right before Christmas, we have grieved the loss of a teacher only 43 years old at Watauga High School that died with pneumonia. As a church, and as a community, we have worked hard to lean on the Lord and on each other during times of great loss. We have the hope of Christ within us, that the coming year will be better. One of the happiest times for our church over Christmas, was the Marvelous Magical Mondays Christmas program with the kids from our church leading in worship. We pray for those who are hurting in this Christmas season. Back at home in Stokes County, two United Methodist Churches from Rockingham County have suffered with the loss of a fire. Mt. Zion UMC in Stokesdale and Gideon Grove Church in Belews Creek. Having been through a fire at our church and parsonage in 2010, we are sure sorry for your loss and will pray for the church and community to pull together and help each other in this time of loss from the fire. Out of all the loss that our church has faced since that time, the Lord has done incredible work to help us love each other more, become more sensitive to the needs of the community around us, and the rebuilding within spiritually surely points to the redemptive work of a living Savior, Jesus Christ among us. We praise the Lord for helping us keep our eye on the heavenly prize before us, even when times have been tough. We thank the Lord for our salvation, and for giving us the charge to be the hands and feet of Christ to our community. Blessed are the feet of the one who comes to bring the good news! We will continue to serve a living Savior, Jesus Christ our Lord!