The work at Deerfield in the recovery efforts from the fire continues. Each day we can see more progress. Last week when we had some warm weather, they were able to replace the roof. The work inside the fellowship hall in pretty much completed. It is still going to be a couple of weeks before the parsonage is ready to move back into. The folks here have worked so hard. All the contractors that have helped us have been so kind, we really do appreciate people being so thoughtful.
I hope that you had a great Valentines Day last Monday. Today, I was schedule to attend the clergy health inniative at Haw River State Park, but I was not able to attend because I have been sick for a few days with a sinus infection which took my voice with it on Friday and today it has returned to a small voice. So over the last few days, starting Friday morning when I woke up and could not talk, life has been very different. I have had to be still, rest, stay off the phone, and didn't even feel like doing anything on the computer, and that is pretty bad. So the new Lay Leader at Deerfield, got a crash course in one to the job responsibilities of the Lay Leader, ready to lead worship on Sunday morning if the pastor is sick at the last moment. Well, Friday was not last moment, but it still was not much time, and I thank her for her diligence to write a sermon and lead worship on Sunday. We have some very capable lay folks here at Deerfield and I am so proud of them. Late Saturday afternoon, I got a call from parishoners that had cooked supper for me and were ready to deliver supper. How could you not love these people? God has had some time to speak over these last days of having to be still and quiet, whether I wanted to or not. The scripture speaks volumes when it says, "Be still and know that I am God." I figure, God may have nudged me that I was pushing too hard, and needed a break and in my own hard headed way, ingored that nudge. I don't recommend that. So, if a couple of days of peace and quiet and rest is what I needed, the Lord has provided, even though I would have picked a warm beach and long walks in the sand and sun if just a break was all I needed. I think a greater lesson of letting people be the best they can be was also a teachable moment for me and the congregation, like folks bringing me supper, and preaching with hardly a moments notice, are a couple of ways that our lay people had to shine, and be the best God has made them to be. So praise the Lord for every time we let God use us for good, and for the healing that God has brought already. We look daily for the hand of God, and give him the praise when we see a new miracle unfold. Already I am feeling some better and I have gone from no voice to now a small voice, and for that I am already so thankful. Thanks for your prayers. We are pressing forward.
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