You know you are a United Methodist when you have duly attended a series of meetings in the fall to prepare for Charge Conference. That season is upon us here at Deerfield UMC. Rather than having a list of reports to turn in this year, we have been asked to report on where we have seen God at work in the life of the church in this past year. At Faith UMC last year in vacation Bible school, we called that "God sightings" and everyday we would celebrate where we had seen God. So that is what our charge conference report is for the coming year. In the transition from Faith UMC, I saw the best of the church is ushering our family out to be able to start over again at a new church in a place of strength. Faith UMC prayed for us, loved us, and cared for us through the transition. It was a top notch transition. They did all they could to set our family up for success, and in turn it was our hope to do the same for Faith UMC. A grace-filled exit was a beautiful God sighting. We left on a strong note of love and support. We are so grateful to have had their prayers through all of these huge life changes.
Then we arrived with new folks here at Deerfield UMC in Boone. We hoped the people would be kind and receive our leadership. The parsonage needed some work, and they tackled the project in the heat of the summer with no air condition to re-do some floors, paint the whole house, just to get started. I lived with a family from the church for a few weeks during the time of the transition until the parsonage was ready. That was surely a God sighting. Can you imagine the preacher coming to your house for a visit and not leaving for weeks? That took a lot of faith! The folks at Faith had been so kind, I didn't see how anyone could be better to us. Then we came to Deerfield. The way this church has loved my family, accepted us, taken us under their wing, cared for us through the death of my father, and now the death of his oldest sister Marie McAdams Parrish from Ft. Lauderdale Florida on Saturday, it is surely another God sighting. I came here to serve the people here, but the tables have been turned and I have really needed the love and support of the church, and they have truly been there for us. Thanks so much for your kindness. It blesses my heart so much to see the church be the church! Thank the Lord for the God sightings of people living out the love of Christ during hard times, whether it be in the change of pastors, moving to a new town, or in the death of close family members, God has been with us through the hard times and I know I can feel and see the hand of God and we want to be steadfast in giving Him the praise. I don't know exactly what the church will report on their God sightings, but I know God is with us, and wow how richly are we blessed. Before I put my feet on the floor this morning, I called my father-in-law Cleo Lemons in Sandy Ridge to wish him a happy birthday and sing him the birthday song. It was a God sighting early this morning to celebrate God's good gift of life and health and strength for my husband's aging parents. Cleo turns 89 today, praise the Lord! I hope you look for God this day, and in His grace, you see Him.
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