At Deerfield, the adult Sunday school classes have been studying for several weeks how to become a more welcoming church. That is some good food for thought for the church to consider. This past Friday at ASU, freshmen move in day, I saw some amazing hospitality in action. At one point Friday afternoon, I counted 52 volunteers who were standing ready to unload each car as it arrived with a new freshmen on board, moving into Gardener Hall. My job was to be a greeter for the students as they arrived. So of course, I would say welcome to Boone when they got out of the car, with a lot of energy. Then the students standing behind me would start clapping and yelling like it was a big deal, a celebration. Then you would see the students face light up like this is the moment they have been waiting for. The parents were in shock. It was tremendous hospitality as the students who were volunteering unloaded the car and carried the items to the new dorm room for the new freshman. The weather was great, about 75 degrees and sunny. We saw lots of hugs of parents and kids, and sometimes students who came alone. We were especially nice to them. What courage it would take to make this step on your own!
Yesterday at Deerfield I told the congregation that these young people at ASU have so much to offer. I could see that they really want to serve. We need to find a way to help them be apart of something spiritually significant while they are here in school. We did have some volunteers from Deerfield who worked the move in day on Friday, and took some goodies for the students with them. It was great for all of us. Wow! I am thrilled to think about the possibilities of helping young people connect with Christ in a way that will change their lives. Deerfield UMC, the task is before us with a ton of new possibilities. As with every United Methodist Church, are we thinking and praying everyday about how we are making disciples for Jesus Christ? Lord Jesus Christ be our guide. We are walking by faith. Amen.
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