Let's pray our way forward

Let's pray our way forward
Let the children come to me. Jesus

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Glad to have a new Mrs. Lemons in the family!

    Several months ago when our son Joey asked Katie Gordon to marry him, I had no idea that becoming a mother in law was going to be so much fun. Over the last couple of weeks as we prepared for the wedding, it was a joyful time and a sad time all wrapped together. Jeff practiced the piano at every chance so the house was filled with music. It was a joy to get to have the honor to officiate at their wedding in June, and at the same time it was a little sad to know he is moving out of the house and starting a new household of his own. So Joey and Katie set their minds to the task of preparing for a small family wedding. It was a beautiful summer day. So a small family wedding we did have at Davis Chapel, Stokes County NC. It is a small church located near the Dan River in Walnut Cove that started in 1793 when a traveling Methodist preacher, married a local girl with the last name of Davis. These two worked together to help form the first Methodist congregation there. The first building burned and was rebuilt in 1882 which was the building that we used for the wedding. The church now belongs to a historical association in the community as there has not been a congregation that worshiped there since the 1970's.
    A number of years ago there was another traveling United Methodist preacher that married a local Stokes County native. But this time, it was me that was the traveling preacher, and it was the father of the groom that I married. Because of the same practice of the United Methodist Church sending out preachers to itinerate, I connected with the history of the founding pastor of Davis Chapel where Joey and Katie were married.  I married a Stokes County native, and from there we have done our life, our faith and our family together. We celebrated our 8 year anniversary the day of Joey and Katie's wedding rehearsal. My personal story of moving to this community is directly linked with being a United Methodist pastor. Little did I know the day I had the honor to receive Joey into membership at Delta United Methodist Church that life would turn out the way it has.  I remember the day he was baptized in the Dan River, about a mile from the location of the wedding, all these years later. Faith in Christ to follow God's call on my life to be a pastor brought me to the Lemons family years ago as their pastor, and with God's help my role expanded to wife and mother. Christ brought us together as a family. Now the Lord has grown our family by sending us a new daughter. I feel so blessed.
   Standing in front of my son and brand new daughter on the happiest day of their life, was one of the hardest things I have ever done and at the same time, one of the happiest days of my life. To be wife, mother, pastor and think and feel in all those roles at the same time is crazy making. What a tremendous day! The love I feel towards my new daughter in law is beyond what I thought it would be, or imagined it could be. This is a marvelous time for our family, and it is uplifting to my heart to be able to honor Christ by sharing with you our good news. I have a Naomi for a mother in law and we share a tremendous love. Ruby Lemons is a fantastic mother in law. We just canned 77 quarts of beans together so you know that's a lot of love. On Katie's wedding day, I told her I hope I can love her like Naomi loved Ruth. I wish you could have seen the look of love in her eyes. It was precious time and I won't forget it. We give the Lord praise for a new daughter! We are so happy! Congratulations Joey and Katie as you start your life as husband and wife!