It is an exciting day for millions of United Methodists around the world, about 8 million of us in the United States and around the world, as we focus our attention on the opening of General Conference in Tampa, Florida. Our bishop, Bishop Larry Goodpaster from the Western North Carolina Conference preached today at the opening worship service at 4:00pm to encourage United Methodists around the world to follow Christ...immediately. Thanks to the live feed through the General Conference webpage, you can follow General Conference online as well when they are in session as some of General Conference will be broadcast over the internet live by streaming. The link to the General Conference webpage is . When you get to the website, click on streaming and you will be able to follow what is going on as it unfolds. The meeting has about 988 delegates, about half clergy and half laity, and these delegates represent the United Methodist Church from around the world. For the next 10 days, these delegates will vote on over 1000 pieces of legislation that after approved will become our new 2012 Book of Discipline.
Bishop Goodpaster urged each of us to remember how the first disciples responded as they worked by the sea when Jesus came by and invited them to come and follow him and he would teach them to fish for people. Unlike the first disciples, Bishop Goodpaster noted that some of us would want to first refer that to a committee for four years to study the idea and then get back to us. The tongue in cheek referral to a committee is a long standing practice in the United Methodist Church. It is true that we have a committee for just about every task in the life of the church. Sometimes ideas die in the committee and they never come to pass. The first disciples did not hesitate to drop their nets that they were mending and step right in behind Jesus and follow him. Bishop Goodpaster noted that these men were fisherman by trade and that they used their nets enough that from wear that would have to be mended. It is through General Conference that the United Methodist Church sets aside time to mend our nets, he noted. Likewise as the first disciples were busy doing their job, which was fishing, they cast their nets out into the sea and when they brought in the nets, they brought in an assortment of creatures of all kinds that lived in the sea. Bishop Goodpaster noted how differently we fish today for Christ, by fishing for people one at the time, and then for people just like us, whatever "us" looks like. Another point he made for the church today was that to follow Christ does mean that we will have to get off the pew to follow Christ and to be like the first disciples, our response should come with commitment to the cause of Christ, and to be willing to drop what we are doing as they did. Immediately.
I hope that you will go to the webpage for General Conference listed above, make an effort to see what is being discussed and remember to pray daily for the leadership of the Holy Spirit to be with each person participating and voting on our behalf. Thanks to my laptop and my cell phone, I made a picture of the bishop as he was preaching to share with you today. The word he left us with regarding what to do about the invitation to follow Christ was an urgent call for response, immediately.
Lift Up Your Heart to the Lord, for it is right to give our thanks and praise!
Let's pray our way forward

Let the children come to me. Jesus
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Monday, April 16, 2012
General Conference April 24 to May 4, 2012
The time for General Conference is here to be held April 24 to May 4, 2012 in Tampa Florida. Tonight at Deerfield UMC we are hosting a Bible study to give information to the church on how to access information on General Conference. We are using the links from the Western NC UMC web page to click on the link for General Conference as our primary source of information to learn about how General Conference works, who attends, and what are some important pieces of legislation that will come to the floor. This meeting is extremely important to our church because what is decided at General Conference is the foundation for the new 2012 Book of Discipline that will govern the life of our work together for the next four years. I want to urge you to take the time to go to the conference web page and click on the General Conference link to learn about what is getting ready to take place.
Here in our own District we are anticipating big changes to come with the restructuring. We will be welcoming our new District Superintendent Rev. Amy Coles when she takes on the new assignment at annual conference this year. Welcome Amy! We offer a word of thanks to our outgoing D.S. Dr Fred Jordan for his faithfulness in serving our churches and we wish him well in the transition to come for him. The dates of annual conference have been moved to later this year. Please note the dates for annual conference this year will be June 20 to June 24. To get ready for annual conference, our church is asked to participate in a pre-conference briefing to be held on May 20th at Miller's Creek UMC at 2:00pm. The North Wilkesboro District will be de-commissioned and a new District will come online. We are going to be having a name change, along with some changes in the churches in our district. Our new name is going to be the Appalachian District. More details of the district lines and the restructuring changes can also be found at the conference website online. You can print out the new proposals to see exactly where the new lines fall for each district and which church aligns with what district, and also the new District Superintendents have been named. On the conference and general church front, much is on the line regarding our priorities and how we will be organized. Please take the time to read up and be informed about the coming changes. It is our prayer through General Conference and the changes to come here to our own conference and district, that the Lord will continue to be our guide through this process so that in the end, we can reach more people for Christ and remember that is why our church exists. Our prayers are with each church who is going through a time of pastoral change right now. We pray God's hand will be on each new assignment that is being made. May the Lord hold the churches and the pastors and their families in the palm of his hand in this time of huge changes.
Here in our own District we are anticipating big changes to come with the restructuring. We will be welcoming our new District Superintendent Rev. Amy Coles when she takes on the new assignment at annual conference this year. Welcome Amy! We offer a word of thanks to our outgoing D.S. Dr Fred Jordan for his faithfulness in serving our churches and we wish him well in the transition to come for him. The dates of annual conference have been moved to later this year. Please note the dates for annual conference this year will be June 20 to June 24. To get ready for annual conference, our church is asked to participate in a pre-conference briefing to be held on May 20th at Miller's Creek UMC at 2:00pm. The North Wilkesboro District will be de-commissioned and a new District will come online. We are going to be having a name change, along with some changes in the churches in our district. Our new name is going to be the Appalachian District. More details of the district lines and the restructuring changes can also be found at the conference website online. You can print out the new proposals to see exactly where the new lines fall for each district and which church aligns with what district, and also the new District Superintendents have been named. On the conference and general church front, much is on the line regarding our priorities and how we will be organized. Please take the time to read up and be informed about the coming changes. It is our prayer through General Conference and the changes to come here to our own conference and district, that the Lord will continue to be our guide through this process so that in the end, we can reach more people for Christ and remember that is why our church exists. Our prayers are with each church who is going through a time of pastoral change right now. We pray God's hand will be on each new assignment that is being made. May the Lord hold the churches and the pastors and their families in the palm of his hand in this time of huge changes.
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