We hope that you have had a blessed season of Advent that is rapidly moving over to make way for Christmas. In reflecting on where I have seen the love of Christ unfolding at Deerfield UMC during this season, I am moved closer to Christ and to the kingdom of God by the generosity of the people here at Deerfield. It has been a tremendous time of giving. We give the Lord praise for the ways God has provided for our church financially over the course of this past year, even in the face of hard times, God has been faithful! In response to God's great love for us through his son Jesus Christ, our church has made intentional efforts to reach out to people in this season of Christmas who have great needs. Whether it be a health issue, or financial need, or a member who has recently gone through the loss of her home through a fire, God has moved on the hearts of the people here at Deerfield to respond, and my witness to their generosity is reason to give the Lord praise. What a powerful witness you are for Christ!
Our church grieves with a member presently who has gone through the death of a 9 week old grandson this week, whose funeral will be Sunday afternoon. At the same time of entering into the depths of compassion of this great loss, I am waiting for the call of a baby boy about to be born, whose mother is in labor at this moment. At the opposite end of the spectrum of emotion, it reminds me of how limited we are to understand some things we face in life, and God's great capacity to hold both life and death in his hands, always. God has a way of being able to hold onto both life and death at the same time, and that capacity is beyond our reach and it is the holy work of God. In this season of Christmas, it is Christ being born, a great gift of new life to the world, that enables us to give witness to the one who can hold us all the way to death and through death to eternal life. May the one who came to save us, Jesus Christ our Lord, be at the center of your Christmas this year. To him be all praise, honor and glory, for he is truly our Prince of Peace, Wonderful Counselor, The Word made flesh. Merry Christmas. Peace to you. In the name of Christ our Lord. Amen.