Well, the snow really started yesterday about 1:00pm, and the snow continued for most of the day today. As I was leaving a church member's home tonight from doing a pastoral visit, when I came to the end of their road, I slid about 10 feet on black ice before I could come to a stop at the stop sign. I was only a few miles from home, but a lot of curves and potential slick places with black ice. Pretty nervy, but a safe ride home anyway. Thank the Lord for the angels that ride with me. As I was getting ready to pull into the garage at the parsonage, a skunk scampered past the doors of the garage. I was so grateful he didn't want to come in for a visit. But, he did head behind the house and under the storage shed, so maybe I'll get to see him again tomorrow when it's daylight. The scenery was beautiful today. At the high elevation of the visit this evening, there was about 4 inches of snow, it was about 2-3 inches here at the parsonage. It stuck to the grass and trees, but not on the road. Just about a week ago, I was able to take a few days off work, and walked barefooted on the beach and enjoyed the unseasonably warm days. My body is rebelling with a stopped up head. Winter wonderland is here. Living in Boone does save some time in watching the weather reports. Now you can pretty much expect it to snow just any time, whether it is in the forcast or not. The schools here were delayed just 2 hours this morning, but I know snow days are ahead.
The snow is here but it's still a really busy time for the church. Forty shoe boxes already delivered to Samaritan's Purse just starts the list. Life in the church presses forward here rain or snow! Praise the Lord for the faithfulness of those who want to give all they have to give to serve for the good of the cause of Christ. We have had a lively crowd of Christmas helpers making wreaths each morning in the fellowship hall. At lunch time, volunteers bring food, and all the workers sit down and have the chance to share a meal. I have loved that part too. It is so wonderful as a pastor to be at the church and have a crowd of volunteers show up to work, glad to be there and full of joy. It is really encouraging! In the evenings, the United Methodist Men are selling the wreaths and Christmas trees. They offer to deliver trees in the immediate area, and for the folks who are going down the mountain, we tie the trees on top of the car, invite them to church, and wish them a Merry Christmas. It takes a lot of commitment to go cut Christmas trees in the snow, and more commitment to sell them when it is cold and windy outside. On Monday of this week, we decorated the church with Hanging of the Greens and brought in the lights and poinsettias, and now the sanctuary is ready for Advent. Come on to Deerfield, and join us for some special Christmas cheer. It's the love of Christ that moves us a little closer every day to Christmas and to Christ.