Lift Up Your Heart to the Lord, for it is right to give our thanks and praise!
Let's pray our way forward

Let the children come to me. Jesus
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Can you cut your computer off at night to think about spiritual things?
Many of you may have decided to take up a new practice or give up something for Lent. Realizing that most evenings I find myself working late on the computer, I decided for Lent to cut off my computer every night at 8:00pm. My hope was to use that time for a spiritual purpose instead of replacing it with more work. I haven't done too well with that part so far. It has only been a week and one day, and it feels like a huge change and limitation already. I had no idea how much I was going to miss it. I usually check emails at night when I come home. Now, if I don't check them before 8:00pm, it will be the next day before I can get to them. Last night, I found myself working on powerpoint for worship on Sunday with our power point person for the week in her home. After a delicous surprise bowl of homemade chicken stew for supper, and before I knew it, it was after 8:00pm. I didn't slam the computer shut and quit and rush the house before I turned into a pumpkin. I had worship stuff for this Sunday that I needed to work on that is special. Our confirmation class is being confirmed Sunday, and I had most of the pictures. We had to cancel confirmation class yesterday because of a threat of snow so that threw us a curve ball for the schedule yesterday. So yesterday my discipline was not that great, I fudged. Wow, I was not expecting turning off the computer at night to be hard, but it is. It must be the right practice for me for Lent right now, and promises to bring me a challenge and the opportunity to seek the presence of the Lord. You can search for a new spiritual practice to adopt for this season of Lent, or you can also try giving up something. The point of a Lenten spiritual discipline is to allow God to use it in our lives for good, to draw us ever closer to the heart of God. I wish for you much discipline, the power to fight temptation, and the desire to observe a Holy Lent. God be with you.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Protect your right to pray in Jesus Name
I submitted a 250 word version of the article below as a Letter to the Editor of the Winston Salem Journal on Friday. Whether or not it prints, here is the full article for you.
I feel like my rights as an American are under attack. So I went back to the Constitution and specifically the Bill of Rights, and I include here the words of the First Amendment: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” I have a reason as a pastor and as a Christian to be upset. A couple of years ago, I was invited to give the prayer before the Forsyth County Commissioners meeting. So I accepted the invitation and I gave the prayer. I don’t remember the exact words, but I prayed like I usually pray. No one told me what I had to say or what I could not say. Then in just a couple of weeks, one of the pastors in our community came under fire for using the name of Jesus Christ in his prayer. Our commissioners have been fighting over this issue since that time. The Christians in our community are not going to stop praying in the name of Jesus Christ no matter what the high court rules. We may not be invited to pray at the commissioners meetings anymore, but we are not going to budge on the issue of praying in the way we believe. That freedom is protected by the First Amendment and we do have a legal right to keep on exercising that freedom. If you tell someone how to pray that is directly violating the first amendment by prohibiting the free exercise of their religion. If someone believes differently than we do as Christians, as an American they have the right to have a different opinion. As a United Methodist pastor of Faith United Methodist Church in Rural Hall NC, I am willing to take a strong stand to support the First Amendment. When I pray, I am going to keep on using the name of Jesus Christ. If you find that offensive, then don’t ask me to pray, but I am not going to back down in being bold for my Savior. I urge the citizens of this county to let your county commissioners hear from you on this issue. I go with Christ, or I’m not going at all. I know I am not alone and our commissioners need to hear your voice too.
I urge the Forsyth County commissioners to appeal the recent high court decision regarding prayer before their meetings. I am not supporting the government to push one particular way of expressing religion on the people, but I am asking for the freedom to practice my faith as a pastor and as a Christian in the way I choose. I urge the commissioners to appeal. We the people, of this county, and of all of the United States, believe that our fundamental right to exercise religion and free speech are rights protected by the constitution and that these are rights that we are willing to fight to keep. Our country was founded on belief that you should be free to exercise your religious beliefs, and that freedom has been something that our nation has shed blood and sacrifice to establish, and our men and women in the armed forces continue to fight daily to protect that freedom. Please don’t let a vocal minority speak for all the people. We the people, still means all the people. Protect our First Amendment rights. It is worth the fight.
I feel like my rights as an American are under attack. So I went back to the Constitution and specifically the Bill of Rights, and I include here the words of the First Amendment: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” I have a reason as a pastor and as a Christian to be upset. A couple of years ago, I was invited to give the prayer before the Forsyth County Commissioners meeting. So I accepted the invitation and I gave the prayer. I don’t remember the exact words, but I prayed like I usually pray. No one told me what I had to say or what I could not say. Then in just a couple of weeks, one of the pastors in our community came under fire for using the name of Jesus Christ in his prayer. Our commissioners have been fighting over this issue since that time. The Christians in our community are not going to stop praying in the name of Jesus Christ no matter what the high court rules. We may not be invited to pray at the commissioners meetings anymore, but we are not going to budge on the issue of praying in the way we believe. That freedom is protected by the First Amendment and we do have a legal right to keep on exercising that freedom. If you tell someone how to pray that is directly violating the first amendment by prohibiting the free exercise of their religion. If someone believes differently than we do as Christians, as an American they have the right to have a different opinion. As a United Methodist pastor of Faith United Methodist Church in Rural Hall NC, I am willing to take a strong stand to support the First Amendment. When I pray, I am going to keep on using the name of Jesus Christ. If you find that offensive, then don’t ask me to pray, but I am not going to back down in being bold for my Savior. I urge the citizens of this county to let your county commissioners hear from you on this issue. I go with Christ, or I’m not going at all. I know I am not alone and our commissioners need to hear your voice too.
I urge the Forsyth County commissioners to appeal the recent high court decision regarding prayer before their meetings. I am not supporting the government to push one particular way of expressing religion on the people, but I am asking for the freedom to practice my faith as a pastor and as a Christian in the way I choose. I urge the commissioners to appeal. We the people, of this county, and of all of the United States, believe that our fundamental right to exercise religion and free speech are rights protected by the constitution and that these are rights that we are willing to fight to keep. Our country was founded on belief that you should be free to exercise your religious beliefs, and that freedom has been something that our nation has shed blood and sacrifice to establish, and our men and women in the armed forces continue to fight daily to protect that freedom. Please don’t let a vocal minority speak for all the people. We the people, still means all the people. Protect our First Amendment rights. It is worth the fight.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
God will see us through the Storm
God will see us through the storm.
We have weathered hopefully the worst of the winter storms by now in Walnut Cove, NC. It was exciting for a few days with the threat of ice and snow and freezing rain, and then all three were delivered to us. We were without power for about a day, but some folks just a little ways north of us towards Sandy Ridge NC had about an inch of ice and thousands of people lost power. On a normal day, I have figured out that I take a lot for granted, like heat and running water and lights, and a wireless internet connection, and that without them life is really different fast. In the storm, several folks called and offered for my family to come stay with them, and one even said bring the dog. I had prepared for the storm the best I knew how to prepare, having grown up in a rural community that would lose power occasionally during a storm I had down some of the basics. Draw extra water. Get out flashlights and batteries, and a radio. Make sure there is food in the house. Buy fuel ahead of time and get it in the house before the storm. Charge the cell phone.
Then the storm came. I could hear trees popping in the woods by our house that sounded like explosions as they snapped, and transformers blowing up in the distance. All the usual night lights were off, and it was black outside and quiet. The storm forced our hand to shift into survival mode. All we focused on was how to stay warm, how we were going to heat our food, and how were we going to take care of the other people who needed us during the storm. As the ice started to freeze on the trees, my husband was making a last minute run for kerosene for our back up heaters. Before he could get home, he saw a huge tree fall across the main highway near our house. Thankfully, it didn’t block him from coming home. Is there a spiritual lesson to be learned from going through a crisis with the power being out? Yes. Put oil in your lamp ahead of the storm and before the sun goes down. I think Jesus used that same example about getting oil for our lamp ahead of the time that it would be needed. Spiritually, we may not know when the next storm will come for us. God encourages us through Christ to fill up our lamp with the fuel of the Holy Spirit everyday and to keep our walk with him in good condition. Let God trim the wick and cut away what is no longer useful to let our life burn higher and brighter for him. I got to watch my mother in law really trim away on old wick on an oil lamp that had not been lit in at least 10 years. She didn't cut it exactly straight, but it was close. It looked good enough to me. When she lit the lamp the flame looked like a high heeled shoe. We all got a good laugh over it. Another lesson, better let God do the trimming away from what needs to go in our lives. What may look good enough to us, may still need the hand of God. In the lessons from the storm, God has proven again, He will provide for our needs. Heat, food, light, spiritual comfort, friends, and the list goes on. God is our source and we give him praise for seeing us through the storm, and we give him praise that He will be with us no matter what storm we may face. We praise Him!! Amen.
We have weathered hopefully the worst of the winter storms by now in Walnut Cove, NC. It was exciting for a few days with the threat of ice and snow and freezing rain, and then all three were delivered to us. We were without power for about a day, but some folks just a little ways north of us towards Sandy Ridge NC had about an inch of ice and thousands of people lost power. On a normal day, I have figured out that I take a lot for granted, like heat and running water and lights, and a wireless internet connection, and that without them life is really different fast. In the storm, several folks called and offered for my family to come stay with them, and one even said bring the dog. I had prepared for the storm the best I knew how to prepare, having grown up in a rural community that would lose power occasionally during a storm I had down some of the basics. Draw extra water. Get out flashlights and batteries, and a radio. Make sure there is food in the house. Buy fuel ahead of time and get it in the house before the storm. Charge the cell phone.
Then the storm came. I could hear trees popping in the woods by our house that sounded like explosions as they snapped, and transformers blowing up in the distance. All the usual night lights were off, and it was black outside and quiet. The storm forced our hand to shift into survival mode. All we focused on was how to stay warm, how we were going to heat our food, and how were we going to take care of the other people who needed us during the storm. As the ice started to freeze on the trees, my husband was making a last minute run for kerosene for our back up heaters. Before he could get home, he saw a huge tree fall across the main highway near our house. Thankfully, it didn’t block him from coming home. Is there a spiritual lesson to be learned from going through a crisis with the power being out? Yes. Put oil in your lamp ahead of the storm and before the sun goes down. I think Jesus used that same example about getting oil for our lamp ahead of the time that it would be needed. Spiritually, we may not know when the next storm will come for us. God encourages us through Christ to fill up our lamp with the fuel of the Holy Spirit everyday and to keep our walk with him in good condition. Let God trim the wick and cut away what is no longer useful to let our life burn higher and brighter for him. I got to watch my mother in law really trim away on old wick on an oil lamp that had not been lit in at least 10 years. She didn't cut it exactly straight, but it was close. It looked good enough to me. When she lit the lamp the flame looked like a high heeled shoe. We all got a good laugh over it. Another lesson, better let God do the trimming away from what needs to go in our lives. What may look good enough to us, may still need the hand of God. In the lessons from the storm, God has proven again, He will provide for our needs. Heat, food, light, spiritual comfort, friends, and the list goes on. God is our source and we give him praise for seeing us through the storm, and we give him praise that He will be with us no matter what storm we may face. We praise Him!! Amen.
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